

<般若華品牌理念> 獻給隨著年齡增長,依舊懷有夢想,持有信念,擁有一顆赤子之心的人 Dedicated to those who still have faith, dreams and purity of heart as time goes by. 品牌創作者出生於1960年代中期,所繪的木馬玩具正是其童年時代台灣當時處處可見的孩童坐騎。無論是當時身為幼童的五年級生(1960年代出生)、六年級生(1970年代出生);或者對為人父母的三、四年級生而言,它扮演著連結家庭親情的記憶橋樑與媒介。在那時,民風樸質,人們刻苦耐勞,胼手胝足,打拼奮鬥,共同為台灣奠定下良好的建設與經濟基礎。 在今日物質豐裕的社會,作者欲藉由兒時木馬造型的童年記憶與形象裡,憶苦思甜,心懷感恩,了解到今日昇平安泰的得來不易。以惜福珍重之心來面對台灣的現今與未來。 木馬上身著中式傳統衣飾的幼童,象徵著中華文化在台灣的優良傳承。右手高持含苞的蓮花,隱喻般若智慧與慈悲實為解決人生無明的不二法門。作者學習中國繪畫至今已超過三十載,藉由此嬰戲圖題材,亦向心中尊崇的宋代蘇漢臣人物大家致意。嬰孩的純真良善與童心亦呼應著人們在現代忙碌功利導向的時代,隨著年齡增長,希冀內在世界的一隅,依舊能保有一方淨土,擁有著夢想、信念與赤子之心的力量!! 品牌英文取名Panna,是源自巴利文paññā”般若”之意。將「般若」二字以河洛話發音則與其相仿。中文名稱”般若華”的華字在我們品牌裡有下列幾個義涵:一,華是中華民族的象徵,中華民族具有悠久歷史與恢宏文化,是文創靈感取之不盡,用之不竭的泉源,也是我們品牌取法的特色;二者,”華”同”花”,花是植物的精華亦是其最具辨別性的外在特徵。她有繽紛的色彩姿態與多樣的氣味芬芳,追隨自然生長而具獨特性。如同藝術創作者經過種種醞釀、耕耘後,百花齊放的崢嶸之勢。 再者"華"字為中文,paññā為外文,象徵著對我們所身處的時代,人文與科技皆深受東西方傳播相互影響,中西體用兼容並蓄、取廣用弘的現象致意。   PannaHua is established in 2015 by Taiwanese female artist Hui-Yun Nieh. It is a cultural and creative brand inspired by her personal nihonga exhibition. Derived from her painting followed by computer graphics and digital printing on textile, the outcome is authentic beauty of traditional fine arts with a touch of fashion elements in contemporary Taiwan. The colorful fabrics feature Taiwan blue magpie, fairy pitta, lotus, tree peony, Phalaenopsis and dendrobium, as well as classical Oriental clouds and Chinese calligraphy. They demonstrate the classical and everlasting elegance of Chinese culture in the 21st century.  The camouflage fabrics are designed using Taiwanese cities and counties (Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Hualien and Kinmen) as themes, with Taiwan blue magpies and classical clouds and Chinese calligraphy painted by the artist using gongbi technique. The fabrics demonstrate traditional paintings and Taiwanese sceneries, making them unique camouflage products of PannaHua. The establisher was born in Taiwan in the mid-sixties, where hand-painted wooden horses were popular toys. For those who were children (born in the 1960s or 1970s), or those who were parents (born in the 1940s or 1950s), wooden horses are a bridge and medium of family memories. People back then were pure, sincere and hardworking, who have created quality infrastructure and laid down a strong economic foundation. In the modern society with plentiful resources, the artist wants to remember and show appreciation to the past, which give us a peaceful and valuable life, by using the wooden horse in her childhood memories and impression. She would like to remind people to be grateful and humble when facing the current situation and the future in Taiwan. The children wearing traditional Chinese clothing on the wooden horses represent how Chinese culture was excellently preserved in Taiwan. The lotus bud held up in the right hand symbolizes that wisdom and benevolence are the only way to solve ignorance in life. The pure innocence of children also contrasts the busy, profit-driven modern age. While ageing, it is hoped that somewhere in our heart, there remains an unpolluted place for dream, faith and purity  of  heart. The word Panna originated from the Pali word paññā meaning "wisdom". The word also sounds similar when pronounced using Taiwanese. The Chinese character Hua (華) in PannaHua has the following meanings. Firstly, the character Hua is a symbol of the Chinese ethnic group, which is known for their long history and rich culture. These are endless fountains of inspiration, and one of the reasons for naming. Secondly, "Hua" sounds like the word flower, which is an essential and most distinguishable part of plants. It is colorful and fragrant. It lives in the nature and is unique. These are qualities similar to artists who have to overcome various challenges and endure long periods of cultivation before they can bloom like flowers. Furthermore, the word "Hua" is Chinese and the word "paññā"is foreign. This symbolizes the era we live in, where culture and technology are affected by both the Western and the Oriental. Hence the name shows our respect to both the Western and Oriental cultures, which are mutually inclusive and allow the finest to be selected and spread around the world.

